How To Meet Your Dogs Needs With A Newborn

In this post, we’re talking about how you can meet your dog needs with a newborn. One thing you can be certain of is that you will have less time on your hands. This means less time for walkies, playtime and snuggles with your furry friend. It can be tempting to give them all your time leading up to your due date. But be aware, your dog might get a shock when you’re suddenly unavailable when the baby arrives! 

Meet Your Dogs Needs With A Newborn

Change up your dogs routine

It’s an easier transition for your dog if you start to slowly reduce the amount of time you spend actively engaging with them beforehand. Start adding in a rest day (a day off walks) once a week. If you currently walk your dog twice a day, try going for one longer walk instead a couple of days a week. Adjust mealtimes or do away with them completely and use your dogs food for training games and enrichment. You might actually find your dog is more relaxed at home without a strict routine! Don’t worry if you’ve not started before baby arrives, it’s not too late. There are plenty of other ways to ensure your dog is getting an appropriate level of mental and physical stimulation. Which leads us nicely onto…

Meet your dog needs with a newborn using enrichment

Enrichment! This is any activity that lets your dog engage in natural doggy behaviour, like digging, chewing, sniffing etc. Invest in a few new toys for your dog and save them for those early days (Have a look at our post here for some of our faves). You might also consider getting a sandpit for digging and/or a paddling pool if you’ve got a dog who loves to splash around. Then save the packaging from all those purchases for your dog to shred up! Scatter a handful of dry dog treats throughout a cardboard box stuffed with packing paper for extra fun too. This is an easy DIY enrichment activity that’s ideal for rainy days and a great way to meet your dogs needs with a newborn in tow.

It’s easier said than done, but remember to ask for help when you need it. It can be hard work to meet your dogs needs with a newborn! Maybe ask a trusted friend to sit with your dog and give them some fuss whilst you take a nap. Or pay a professional dog walker to get your dog out for an adventure (again, take a nap). Most importantly, remember to look after yourself. The arrival of a new baby is a massive, exciting (and very tiring!) change for everyone. You and your dog will both adapt to your new roles, give yourselves time and grace. And it will get easier, pinky promise.

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