How to like your dog again after having a baby

In this post, we’re talking about how to like your dog again after having a baby. I’ll start by saying this is a very common and normal experience for lots of new parents. Likely, your dog was the main focus of your attention at home before baby arrived, and now all you can see is how much hair they’re shedding around the house (another thing to clean up!) As well as that, how frustrating is it when they bark at the postman when you’ve just got the baby down for a nap?! You’re not alone and the chances are that this feeling will pass. 

How to like your dog again after having a baby

Has your dogs behaviour actually changed?

It’s worth trying to have an objective think about what is causing you to dislike your dog now that baby has arrived. Write down what’s bugging you and discuss it with your partner and other family members who regularly see you and your dog. Sometimes, there really has been an increase in undesirable or inappropriate behaviour from your dog, such as stealing and guarding the baby’s stuff or barking excessively. If so, you’ll want to work with a professional and do some proper training with your dog. 

Often though, the dog themselves hasn’t really changed that much, but we have. Our priorities change and so do our day to day lives. You will have less time to focus on your dog in the first few months and that doesn’t make you a bad dog owner, it makes you a normal human being. It can be really hard work to manage your dogs needs whilst caring for a newborn too! This is especially true if your dog is younger than four years old, from working lines or an energetic breed. Here’s some practical tips to help you learn how to like your dog again after having a baby.

How to like your dog again after having a baby

  • Get your partner or a trusted relative to look after baby whilst you spend an hour doing your favourite activity with your dog- it’s totally ok for that to be cuddles on the sofa!
  • Make dog walks a family affair. Some fresh air will do you and baby the world of good and your dog will love getting some sniffing in. (We cover dog walks with baby in our ebook!)
  • Buy or DIY some new toys for your dog and keep them stashed.. There will be days when baby is cluster feeding or you’re just too tired to get out for a walk. On these days, bust out one of your new toys and let your dog play! They’ll get some enrichment and it’ll help ease your guilt at not having any time for them that day. You can check out some of our favourite toys here.

Lastly, remember this too shall pass. Your baby will only be a newborn for a few short months. Dogs are adaptable and resilient animals. You will get through this.